Sunday, November 6, 2011


At about 9:45 AM on Wednesday, the Northeastern University Health and Safety Inspector knocked on the door of room 303. Upon being let inside by the Lebanese tenant, he proceeded to examine the kitchen, bathroom, and one of the bedrooms. From the other bedroom came the sounds of electric guitar music, but nothing that the inspector recognized. After chastising the Lebanese tenant for hanging clothing from the sprinkler system, he knocked on the door to the second bedroom. "Health and safety inspection. Can I come in?" From within he heard the response "Yup, come on in. Actually, I should put on pants first... alright, we're good to go."

The formerly pants-free occupant had returned to playing guitar. He appeared as though he hadn't shaven in days, and hadn't gotten a haircut in months. He looked up as the inspector entered and, grinning, chirped: "I accidentally slept late, so instead of running to class, I decided to play guitar. I'm a productive college student." The inspector rolled his eyes and began his duties. He immediately noticed a massive pile of clothing partially covering a surge protector. "Is this yours?" he asked. "Uh, no, that's my roommate's." The inspector made a note of the blatant fire code violation on his sheet, which he then tore off and handed to the occupant. As he left the apartment, he called over his shoulder "Go to class!"

Just another lazy, messy, irresponsible college student who thinks life is a joke.


On 9:34 AM on Wednesday, I woke up. I blankly stared at my phone, my thoughts alternating between "Why didn't my alarm clock go off?" and "Balls, my Group Theory class is already halfway over." This was the first time all semester I had slept in late and, if I didn't go, the second time I had missed a class for any reason (the first time was because I was invited to give a presentation about Wikipedia to a group of psychology PhD's; no big deal). I thought I had set my alarm extra early so I would have time to squeeze in a half hour of practice before class. Wednesdays are frequently my busiest day of the week in terms of classes and homework, so as much as I would like to sleep as late as possible, I force myself to practice in the morning in order to reach my bare minimum of two hours per day. After a bit of mental self-debating, I decided that I should just skip Group Theory. It would hardly even be worth it to scurry over there for the last twenty minutes of class, and I still needed to get a head start on my practicing.

After a few minutes of left hand exercises, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Health and safety inspection. Can I come in?" I instinctively called out "Yup, come on in" before realizing that he probably didn't want to see me sitting there in my boxers. "Actually, I should put on pants first... alright, we're good to go." As he entered, I decided to break the ice by cheerfully exclaiming "I accidentally slept late, so instead of running to class, I decided to play guitar. I'm a productive college student." He asked about the pile of dirty clothes sitting on top of a surge protector, which, in fact, belongs to my roommate. I mean really, would I ever wear a purple shirt? The inspector handed me his evaluation sheet and, as he left the apartment, called over his shoulder "Go to class!"

He probably assumed I was just another lazy, messy, irresponsible college student who thinks life is a joke.


Week 19 total: 29 hours
Grand total: 468 hours
Required pace: 365.5 hours (+102.5)

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